How to Optimize Your YouTube

how to optimize your youtube

Here at Quantus Creative, we are no stranger to the importance of optimization when it comes to generating leads and securing clicks. Since its launch in 2005, YouTube has amassed a whopping 2.49 billion monthly active users. What’s more, YouTube also generated $30 billion of ad revenue in 2023. If you have yet to incorporate YouTube into your marketing mix, you are missing out on a massive opportunity to reach audiences and earn conversions. In this article, we will share tips on how to optimize your YouTube channel for increased awareness and greater results.

Representative of Your Business or Brand

First things first, ensure all of your content is related to your brand. If YouTube scans your content and finds that your content has nothing to do with your company, you’ll find yourself lower in  the ranks for your particular category.


Posting consistently is a must if you are trying to boost yourself in the YouTube ranks. Create a specific schedule related to your YouTube content and include long-form videos, YouTube Shorts, and live videos. Aim to post at least once per week for more rapid growth.

Keywords are King

Optimize your video title, captions, and descriptions by using relevant keywords. Make sure you use hashtags to tag certain keywords. This is important as it gives the YouTube algorithm a clear understanding of what you’re posting. If you are unsure what kind of keywords to use, check out our article on boosting SEO for a more in-depth description of how to use them.

Add File Names

While YouTube’s technology can’t watch your entire video to determine what kind of content you’re posting, it can scan the files that you’ve uploaded for hints as to what your video entails. Rather than uploading your video file as a mishmash of random letters and numbers, make sure you’ve saved the video file under a specific name related to the content you’re publishing. Also take this into consideration when uploading your thumbnail file.

Prioritize Subtitles

Only a little over 12% of YouTube traffic comes from the United States, so be sure to offer subtitles in multiple languages, especially if you are trying to reach audiences both in and out of the United States. Additionally, YouTube will automatically generate subtitles, but the technology may make mistakes. Go through the subtitles and correct any inaccuracies before posting so that YouTube does not flag it as spam.

Incorporate CTA’s and YouTube Cards

YouTube cards are links that appear in the top right corner of your video as it plays. You can add up to five YouTube cards throughout your video, linking other videos, channels, or donation pages. Include calls to action alongside your cards and on your end screen, encouraging users to take action.

Categorize Your Video

Make sure to appropriately categorize your video before posting. If you are uploading a how-to guide using your products, list your video as such. This will help your video become visible to users seeking specific topics in the search bar.

Increase Audience Engagement

Invite your viewers to comment on your videos by asking questions and interacting with users in the comment section. Videos with more engagement (likes, comments, shares, and watch times)
will be ranked higher in the YouTube algorithm versus videos with low engagement. We also encourage you to participate in YouTube’s live streaming and build rapport with your viewers over time. The more viewers you have participating in your live video, the higher you will rank.


Believe it or not, YouTube is one of the world’s top search engines. With so many users turning to YouTube for information, entertainment, etc., there is an opportunity for your company to gain awareness, earn conversions, and become the leading expert in your given field. Reach out to our team at Quantus Creative for more information on how to get started with YouTube or for assistance optimizing your current channel.

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