As we’ve mentioned in a previous article, marketing automation is an excellent way to streamline the email/SMS process while ensuring that the proper audience is being reached. That being said, Quantus Creative has created a short list of do’s and don’ts when it comes to automation to get the most out of your marketing efforts.
Do measure performance. Luckily, almost all automation programs and platforms offer their own analytics, making it easy to track the success of campaigns and other automated efforts. Take a look at short- and long-term performance and make note of any changes you see. What’s working and what isn’t? Learn as much as you can about your audience and use this information as a guide moving forward.
Do customize messages. Customization is a huge benefit of marketing automation. Speak directly to your audience and give them the content they want to see. This can mean their name is mentioned in the subject line, or they are reminded of the specific products that are in their basket. If you’ve noticed that users in the south respond better to certain messaging than in the north, send separate emails to your audience based on their location.
Do revise your strategy. This one goes along with measuring performance, as you should be adjusting your efforts as you go. Don’t be afraid of flexibility when it comes to messaging and overall strategies. Make data-driven decisions and sit down with your team to review your strategy and brainstorm ways to more effectively reach your audience. A marketer’s job is never done.
Do have a hands-on approach. You’ve got the “who” and the “when” covered, but you still need to focus on the “what”. Dedicate time and energy to the content you are sending out and make sure that it is appealing as well as engaging. After all, reaching your audience is only the first part. By maintaining a hands-on approach to your email/SMS marketing, you can increase engagement and secure those conversions.
Don’t over-contact. Spamming your audience can be a huge detriment to your marketing efforts. By sending too many emails or messages, you can turn your audience off of your brand, and you’ll see an increase in blocks or unsubscribes. By scheduling content wisely, you can ensure that your email/SMS list is receiving your content at the right time for them to be receptive and create conversions.
Don’t purchase subscribers. This can be a huge risk for your company’s reputation, as users are significantly less likely to trust a company that sends them content when they have not subscribed or purchased. Aside from the issue of ethics, it’s much better to build your own list of subscribers to determine the kind of content each person receives and foster a positive relationship with your audience.
Don’t neglect your database. Once you’ve chosen a CRM program and set everything up, it can be tempting to set it and forget it. However, you still need to be checking your database regularly and making adjustments based on current needs and analytics.
Marketing automation, when used properly, offers amazing opportunities for your company to really connect with and grow your audience. When looking at automation software, be sure to choose an option which syncs with your CRM programs to get the most out of both platforms. If you are unsure of how to get started with automation, reach out to our team here at Quantus Creative and we will help you set up a successful strategy.