In the beginning, Facebook was thought to be just for teens, much like TikTok is seen now. It may surprise you that of the more than 3 billion people that have downloaded this app, over 35% are 30 years old and older. These are the people you may need to be targeting with your marketing! Giving Quantus Creative a call is the first step in finding out if TikTok is where you need to put some advertising dollars.
There is an opportunity to target consumers over 30 years old that has emerged over the past few years. Time has proved that this is where business owners need to focus their marketing budget on reaching the people that handle the purse strings.
Still not sure TikTok is the place for your advertising dollars? Take a look at some companies that have turned to TikTok. You may be surprised at the increase in revenue:
In 2022, the popular athletic shoe manufacturers spent more than $10 million on TikTok ads that appealed to male consumers in the Gen Alpha, Gen-Z, and millennial groups. Between July 2022 and August 2022, Puma saw a sharp increase in sales, and they are expecting Q2 2023 sales to pick up even more.
With over $14m spent on TikTok advertising in 2022 to connect to a broader part of the community, reaching out past the Gen-Z and millennials, they were successful! Tony Hawke is the spokesperson for Vans, which grabs the attention of Gen-X consumers, but VANS took the approach their shoes are for everyone. The company saw its sales increase sharply between July 2022 and August 2022, and in Q2 of 2023, they saw more growth coming.
They won’t forget the younger audiences, though. They will make them the secondary level while adjusting their strategy by picking up other influencers as they increase their social media advertising budget.
In 2022 the car manufacturer Honda spent over $3M in advertising on TikTok, with peak revenue increase between August and October. Curing those three months, the brand recently showed an interest in entertainment opportunities that will likely lead to social campaigns in the future in addition to the over $3 million aimed toward younger consumers.
The subsidiary brand of Acura has partnered up with Topgolf with a multi-year of becoming the “Official Automotive Partners” with the “Official Vehicles” of Topgolf. With on-site vehicle displays, sweepstakes, and additional marketing endeavors that will attract Gen-Z and millennials. It is expected to see Honda form other sponsorships and partnerships while they increase its budget for ads that focus on younger consumers.