Three Ways To Promote Your Small Business With YouTube

How much do you know about YouTube marketing? Yes, YouTube marketing is a thing now and has become the second largest search engine worldwide. The only other search engine that is getting more traffic is Google.

If you didn’t realize that you’re not the only one, it makes it an excellent opportunity for your small business! The fewer businesses using YouTube marketing, the more potential customers will notice them. Video marketing is the thing to do now, and there is an entire audience to snag, using these three ways:

1. Show Case Your Products and Services

Show your customers and potential customers how to use your products and services to get the maximum benefit and advantages they have when they use your products and services.

2. Record and Share Testimonials

There is nothing more powerful than a customer review and testimonial to give a product or service validity for a potential customer. With the amount of traffic that YouTube is getting, you’re missing the entire audience’s attention by not posting filmed reviews and testimonials! 

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Imagine what a video testimonial is worth compared to a written testimonial. Putting a face and voice with a product or service is almost as good as a “live at five” newscast.

3. Demonstrate Your Expertise

For your customers and potential customers to gain trust in your business, you need to show your authority and make good on what you promise. While a customer testimonial is important, potential customers like to see the company’s expertise visually demonstrated.

You’ll gain their trust by recording a demonstration of what your service does or how to use your product. Before and after pictures are an attention grabber, too.

We offer you the takeaway of how powerful YouTube marketing has become in connecting with an audience as you share your customer’s satisfaction and your expertise.

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